At 6 am I could stand it no longer the hens were banging the door of the coop, I really am dreading this, Skinny Minnie must be dead they are making such a commotion. I let the dogs out, let the cat out and with great care go and open the coop. Peeping out of the window are two hens, oh get ready for this, so I open the door and they come out, open the lid of the nesting box and .................................. she is aliveeeeeeeeeeeeee and sitting on an egg.....
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
At 6 am I could stand it no longer the hens were banging the door of the coop, I really am dreading this, Skinny Minnie must be dead they are making such a commotion. I let the dogs out, let the cat out and with great care go and open the coop. Peeping out of the window are two hens, oh get ready for this, so I open the door and they come out, open the lid of the nesting box and .................................. she is aliveeeeeeeeeeeeee and sitting on an egg.....
The relief.
Thankfully the day was uneventful.......... sort off. I decided to clear the garden of brambles and cut back the lower branches of shrubs. Three hens and I worked away diligently as I pulled out weeds they turned over the soil. It was all very therapeutic. Until I was pulling one bramble and all of a sudden I hear a rip in my side and feel it at the same time, the pain was excruciating. I was on my knees clutching my side, three hens were looking at me wondering why I had stopped. I may have torn a muscle, I continued but couldn't bend down, or get up. Time to call it a day
Went and sewed for a few hours
then it got worse
chooks were good all day,
yes they kept hiding on me and I did find 2 eggs under an ornamental grass. I
was going in to check on them and Bailey ( the golden spaniel ). I should add before you read any further both dogs are chasers and I have been very careful about keeping them away from the hens, they can see them from the other side of a lattice fence , they can stick their noses in but thats as far as they can get Until............. he managed to get in before me he ran to
the chickens but stopped sniffed and decided they weren't worth bothering about,
well that was until I discovered skinny Minnie was out again and had managed to
get into the area where the dogs have free access of course saphy was on that
side and she took off after skinny Minnie and caught her. Tail feathers everywhere
Skinny Minnie is on the right and Ruby on the left. See no tail feathers.
Skinny Minnie managed
to escape back into the garden again , the commotion prompted Bailey to chase
the other two, pandemonium ruled managed to get Bailey out, now by this time
the cat was stalking skinny Minnie who again managed to get in under all the
shrubs and nettles, brambles etc. Dogs were barking, chickens were squawking I was shouting.
Managed to get the dogs in the
house, went looking for skinny Minnie poor thing has lost all her tail
feathers, I picked her up and cuddled her she chattered away, her wattle and comb were quite pale . I just quietly sat with her on my lap holding her and stroking her feathers till she calmed down a little I then, put her in the coop and she settled down.
contacted the girl I got the hens from and she said to give her pro biotic
yoghurt and to check her for cuts. So had to go into town at 8pm and look for
probiotic yogurt, couldn't find any. In all three supermarkets no probiotic yogurts, don't they know this is good for a stressed hen and I had a stressed hen.
Came home and lifted skinny
Minnie out of the coop and of course she has cuts all over the place, contact
Mama Hen again and another friend who keeps chickens, mama Hen told me to bathe the
wounds and put antiseptic cream and cornflour on the wound and to
separate her from the other hens,( what!!) asked her to clarify, meanwhile my
friend suggested covering the wound, so I bathed her wounds with salted water, dried them to stop the other chooks from pecking the wound. Though I must say they are very good they leave her alone. (She is the loner though) stuck an antiseptic wound dressing on
it! My friend also suggested that the chicken could well be dead in the morning
as it will have gone into shock.
Went to bed at 2 am trying to figure out what I can do now to stop her getting through the fence, the other two are two plump, she is thinner.
3 am online ordered windbreak wire mesh to cover the fence from Amazon.. 3.30 am put a bid on ebay for a 16 section puppy crate each section is 3 ft x 2 ft .
4 am bed
Another sleepless night and dreading the morning.
6 am dreading this I really am
and then there were chickens
gutted traumatised
Collected 3 chickens yesterday from the chicken rescue place
in Moira (The Nut House) came home settled them in gave them the run of the
garden , they were eating everything in
site, clematis gone at the roots, rhubarb leaves slugs peck peck chuckle
I went online as I was told rhubarb leaves are poisonous to hens, so out I went and deleafed all my rhubarb!!!
At 7 o'clock I made some mash potato and sweetcorn one is a little skittish
and isn't so friendly keeps her distance but managed to get her and she had a
share as well.
My grand daughter named two of them I named one, so please see three hens disappearing into the shrubs when they were first let out, so Skinny Minnie in front, followed by Ruby and Tiffany
Eight oclock I thought I should be thinking of getting them
in and I wonder if anyone has laid an egg yet. went out and Tiffany and Ruby
come running to meet me, chuckle chuckle
peck at toes. Looked round no Skinny Minnie at 8.30 I thought this is
really strange I don't hear skinny Minnie
so hunted the garden, then hunted the garden for feathers not a feather
in sight, (as there are feral cats and foxes around), then hunted the garden for a body. No
body. OMG what am I to tell Mama Hen the lady I got the hens from. She will think I am totally irresponsible, that something got one of the chooks!!!
gathered up the remaining two and put them in the coop for the night. They are really easy to handle , no trouble at all .
Went off
into the yard and barns below no Skinny Minnie, hunted the trees incase she was
roosting no sound no nothing. Every half hour I was out looking for her. Sent
the dogs in to see if they could flush her out, nothing.
Went to bed at 2 o'clock worried sick about this poor hen, feeling useless that I couldn't find her I had thought they were totally safe, garden was enclosed, gates are all shut etc. didn't
sleep as by now all I am worrying about is keeping the remaining two safe.
At 6am let the cat out and dogs out, checked the
coop it's still there and locked up and nothing is getting out till later.
At 8 o'clock I
let Tiffany and Ruby into their coop that has a small run attached and decide
they aren't getting any further until I have walked the dogs as so help me
whatever took skinny Minnie will be so dead. Mentally preparing myself to find a dead chicken on the walk I headed off.
Walk out the gate and running up
towards me is Skinny Minnie. I throw the dogs back in the yard, and this is where the real pantomime starts, as I run down shouting chook chook chook, towards her, she
changes her mind and runs the other way making an almighty din. So done the road I go making a wide berth and manage to get in front of her and she turns and heads back towards the house, always just out of reach, every time I bend down to pick her up , her pace quickens, all the time chattering away. Bother I forgot the dogs are loose in the front so clever me takes my coat of and decide to throw it over her.
Well the coat flutters in the air she squawks like a demon possessed and takes of zig zagging all over the place back the way we had come. Another attempted coat throw and that idea is aborted as by now she is deep in undergrowth consisting of brambles, nettles and whatever else is in there.
Eventually she
gets stuck in tree branches and I get her. She is so grounded. But first I have
to find out how and where she got out as I thought it was all chicken proof.
such relief and all for a chicken I have
only known a few hours.
My life has just changed dramatically
Friday, 16 November 2012
life cant get any easier
Easy Circle Quilt
Nothing can
be easier than this. For the quilt shown at the end I used 5 FQ’s for the
circles and 1 ½ yds for the back ground
For this
quilt I used 8 ½” squares but you can use any size you want. You will need two
background squares for each circle fabric
You will
need the circle cut ruler and cutter, I got mine at the Missouri Star Quilt
Company this is also where this tutorial is from.
Fold your
circle fabric in half, line the fold line on the ruler and centre on the
fabric, choose the size of circle you wish to cut, I cut at the 4” section. Run
your cutter along the groove and you have a positive and negative circle
Lay on your
background squares, you will need to centre the circle
Now all I have to do is decide if I shall add a border or not. I think it looks fine without I will quilt just the white parts. This reminds me of the bullseye quilt from an online swap I took part in many years ago with the Quilting Sisters group. I am sure its on my blog somewhere.
Looking at this now on the wall I am thinking each block could have been cut in half again and rejoined with an opposite (postitive and negative in the one block). Must try a sample and see what it looks like.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
How to make real quick scrap 4 patches
Thought Id give this a go and see how quick it really is, and it is!
For this I started with 5" squares.
This is done in pairs so join two squares by stitching along two opposite sides. Repeat this for as many patches as you want, it can be done in two colours or real scrappy like my example.
Then take your ruler, measure from the edge of the fabric NOT the stitch line and cut at 2 1/2"
Turn and join ends mixing themup as you join |

Flip over one end ontop of the next piece |
again using your ruler measure from the fabric ede and cut at 2 1/2 ". Keep the odd piece you will need it for the last piece cut |
keep flipping over and cutting (you are flipping over a 2 piece) |
Hey presto a pile of four patches in no time . This can be done any size |
Saturday, 20 October 2012
u tube tutorials
Found the Missouri Star Quilt Co tutorials and boy have I sewed my heart out here are two almost finishes
The first is a disappearing four patch, so easy to do and makes a lovely cot quilt, Might do this in browns and buttermilk yellow .
This one started of done like a basic rail fence but then you add triangles to the corners, it is so cute
Then nothing was stopping me by this time I pulled out a box and found an old and I mean old pattern from a patchwork and quilting magazine years ago and using my acuquilt rustled up this little Suffolk puff topiary tree in no time.
Out came the acuquilt again and this is the result of that.
Now I am off to try a couple of more tutorials from the Missouri star quilt co , my onlu problem is I am finishing nothing I have a pile of quilts to now quilt!
The first is a disappearing four patch, so easy to do and makes a lovely cot quilt, Might do this in browns and buttermilk yellow .
This one started of done like a basic rail fence but then you add triangles to the corners, it is so cute
Then nothing was stopping me by this time I pulled out a box and found an old and I mean old pattern from a patchwork and quilting magazine years ago and using my acuquilt rustled up this little Suffolk puff topiary tree in no time.
Out came the acuquilt again and this is the result of that.
Now I am off to try a couple of more tutorials from the Missouri star quilt co , my onlu problem is I am finishing nothing I have a pile of quilts to now quilt!
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Great day had by all
Last Saturday a group of ladies from my class in Swatragh went on a 'shop hop'. We left Magehra at 8 am on a bus and headed for Quilters Quest in Belfast. Here Yvonne had laid on tea/ coffee and scones when we arrived. we were show some beautiful quilts including a cuyrved rail fence, I must try this. Some ladies had a go on the long armer and I collected this quilt which Yvonne quilted for me. and yes we all bought fabric! we left with purchases goodie bags and much chattering. Next stop was lunch, soup and sandwiches in Carrick and there we went to Craft Womans World it was slightly disappointing as they charge more for cut pieces than what is on the roll. Won't go back there again. Then back in the bus and off to Ballyclare to Karen in Fiddlesticks. Here more tea coffee and cup cakes and shortbread to die for.
Yes we spent more money and another goodie bag. Here Karen demonstrated her Acquilt and many ladies purchased fabric that Karen then cut into various pieces for them.
Would you beleive it by this time it was tea time and we all headed back into the bus and ff for an evening meal in Templepatrick.
Arriving home at 9 pm I just about managed to unpack the purchases walk the dogs and fall into bed.
This quilt is one that can be seen in many magazines, really easy to do, great beginners quilt
Yes we spent more money and another goodie bag. Here Karen demonstrated her Acquilt and many ladies purchased fabric that Karen then cut into various pieces for them.
Would you beleive it by this time it was tea time and we all headed back into the bus and ff for an evening meal in Templepatrick.
Arriving home at 9 pm I just about managed to unpack the purchases walk the dogs and fall into bed.
This quilt is one that can be seen in many magazines, really easy to do, great beginners quilt
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